Thank You for Volunteering! Your Help is Crucial to the TDC.

On behalf of the Idaho Trucking Association, we extend a heartfelt welcome to you as a valuable member of the TDC Volunteer team. The TDC could not take place without the many volunteers that devote their time and energy to making this a successful event.

Thank you for your commitment to making a difference!!

Volunteers are needed to set up the course on Friday, April 4th. (8am - 2pm)
Volunteers are needed to run the competitions on Saturday April 5th. (times may vary)

Click Button Below for a list of positions and their descriptions. You can also call or email with questions.

**Please Note: Companies are required to supply a volunteer for every 3 drivers they send to compete.

You may write "any" if you are not sure which position you would like to perform.

We can place you in an available spot as needed.  

Competing companies are required to supply volunteers. Please let us know who you represent.
Leadership Positions
(** course information is not to be shared)
Course Positions
Requires CDL
Classroom Help
Misc. Positions
