On behalf of the Idaho Trucking Association, we extend a heartfelt welcome to you as a valuable member of the TDC Volunteer team.

The TDC could not take place without the many volunteers that devote their time and energy to making this a successful event.

Thank you for your commitment to making a difference!!

Volunteers that are helping with Driver Registrations or Volunteer check ins, need to arrive at 6:30am. All other volunteers may check in at 7:00am. Driver Registration begins at 7:00am.

Click Below for a list of positions and their descriptions.

**Please Note: Companies are required to supply a volunteer for every 3 drivers they send to compete.
Competing companies are required to supply volunteers. Please let us know who you represent.
Leadership Positions
(** course information is not to be shared)
Course Positions
Classroom Help
Misc. Positions
Driver check in and volunteer check in begins at 7:00am. Volunteers that are assisting with driver & Volunteer check in must arrive at 6:30 to get ready.
