2023 Annual Convention - October 11th - 13th

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - Friday, October 13, 2023

The ITA Annual Convention was held October 11, 12 & 13.  At the Shore Lodge in McCall, ID.    

Thank you to our Sponsors, our donors, our volunteers and all of our attendees!  See you next year!


You can see our photo album, click below.



Suppliers Night Dinner

Our Suppliers Night Dinner will be a buffet style Bar-B-Q!   And will be followed by our Idaho Truck PAC Live Auction.   

Then get ready for our Casino Night Fun!!  Poker, Craps, Blackjack and More!  Are you feeling Lucky??    **For Fun only.  No actual gambling.



We are having a Razor Ride to the top of "No Business" Look out.  Rentals are available, and you may also bring your own off road vehicle.  This will be on October 11th at 10am.   We will meet at Mountain Meadow Adventure Rentals.  2445 W Mountain Rd, Donnelly.   Meet at 9:30am to get ready.  Lunch is included.  Reservations open.  Razors seat 4 people, and you will be paired with others.   This is $125 per person.  If you choose to bring your own razor or ATV, the cost will be $50 per person.  (includes lunch)     This will benefit the Idaho Truck PAC.  You can sign up on the event registration, you will be billed from the Idaho Truck PAC separately.

$125 per rider   -  $50 per rider on your vehicle.

There will be a Poker Run during the Razor Ride.  This will also benefit the Idaho Truck PAC.  Please bring CASH to the event for the Poker Run!  It is $50 per hand.  $60 per hand with one extra draw.   2 hand limit per person.  Highest hand wins Half the pot!!



Our Annual ITA Golf Tournament will also take place on October 11th, at the McCall Golf Club. 925 Fairway Dr, McCall.

The golf tournament will have a shotgun start at 10:30am.  A bagged lunch will be included.  Cash prizes and the winning team will take home the Traveling Trophy.  $125 per player

You will have to choose between the two activities!  
