Dessert Dash

We are excited to announce our upcoming "Dessert Dash" fundraiser game, an event that promises fun, excitement, and delicious treats for all!

To make this event a success, we are seeking generous sponsors to contribute $100 for a dessert.  

The "Dessert Dash" is a lively game where tables bid for the chance to dash to the dessert table and claim their favorite sweets. The higher the bid, the earlier the dash.  It’s a delightful way to raise funds while indulging in delicious desserts.

By sponsoring a dessert, you'll not only help us reach our fundraising goals but also gain exposure for your business. 

We hope you’ll join us in making this "Dessert Dash" an unforgettable experience!

$100 Sponsorship

Sponsorship supplies one dessert, and gets your logo on the dessert table showing your support of the Idaho Truck PAC.
